Our Art Group - The Creative Corner runs on Thursdays after school at the FAYAP Centre for year7 + and any skill set.

Art skills and creative fun.

Take part in mindful calm colouring after a long day.

Learn how to use varying materials such as watercolours, acrylics and graphite. Bring along your own projects or start a new one. Work together or individually with tutorage if needed.

A super chilled out artistic session that can meet any of your needs all for free.

Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date @fayap_framlingham


When: Thursdays 4.00 - 6.00pm during school term time. Holiday times may vary.
Where: FAYAP Youth & Arts Centre

Get access to spray paints in the summer!

Spray for days on canvas with one to one tutorage.


for parents

Our art group is open to all interests and abilities. It’s been running for years and is often fully subscribed. Art is a great way for young people to express their creativity in a fun environment and build confidence and self-esteem. Parental permission is only asked for when using spray paints from age 15+.

Help decorate our walls with your original art work.