A listening ear


For anyone who has been involved in the mentoring offered by FAYAP or anyone of high school age who wants a chat with a friendly, independent adult; Helen and Spadge and their team of mentors are available to talk to on the phone, with Facetime or similar if you wish. Ideally we'd like to know you have parental approval for this but if this is not appropriate please get in touch anyway.

 Email fayapcentre@gmail.com or 

Call Helen on 07748 422267‬



Many young people have mild mental health issues or are just unable to cope with everything that life throws at them - it might be bullying, bereavement, family changes, social skills or any thing else.

Often the statutory bodies cannot help because they are too stretched, or sometimes it takes weeks to get support by which time it can be too late.

Our mentors work closely with young people over a period of time. We find that just talking and sharing can sometimes help. Sometimes we’re able to identify a need missed by others and help signposting to other support.


What is compass mentoring

FAYAP are proud to be part of the Compass Mentoring scheme set up under the guidance of Suffolk County Council and is operate by several youth organisations across the country who share and support each other. The scheme works with young people falling outside statutory intervention.

Mentoring is available to young people aged 11 - 18 who want help with aspects of their life.

The young person sets their own agenda and goals .